Leading Products Manufacturer Since 1984

Brand has been engineering & manufacturing the most advanced solutions with 30 + years of experience.

What is Products?

Roetell is among the top glass bottle manufacturers in China. We have been supplying both small and large companies with food-grade and ISO-certified glass bottles in wholesale. We offer bulk glass bottles in different shapes and sizes including balloon-like, slender, short-necked, long-necked, and rounded China bottles as well as mini wine bottles and perfume bottles.

The company’s glass bottles manufacturing plant can produce colored glass bottles such as amber, cobalt blue, black, and green glass bottles. As an experienced glass bottle supplier, we can cater to the special needs of the cosmetics and beverage industries including water, milk, alcoholic, and non-alcoholic drink manufacturers.

Roetell has been working as a trustworthy glass bottle manufacturer and supplier in China for more than 3 decades. With our years of experience in the industry, we can guarantee the production of high-quality Chinese glass bottles.